5 Ways to Avoid Singing The “Post-Vacation Blues”

Do these things immediately once you get home:
1.) Pet your dog, give them some lovin’
2.) Flick on a Travel show to feel like you’re still on vacation
3.) Ignore real responsibility like mail & bills (they’ll piss you off)
4.) Avoid checking work emails – (see above)
5.) Have a couple beers or glasses of wine

Coming home from a great vacation can really suck, let’s be honest: while the very nature of a warm, fun getaway is rewarding in itself, the return to reality can be daunting. You may feel overwhelmed, or gratified upon returning. Recuperated, or tense. WTF is happening right now? Is this normal? Yes, in fact it’s very common to experience a case of “Post-Vacation Blues.” After you’ve experienced so many relaxing and satisfying things on vacation, it can be a real struggle to pick up suitcases, board a flight and return home— and even harder not to slip into a funk when you have to face the realities of normal life and work!

Here’s a few quick tips to avoid your post-trip from turning into a real bout of depression. While they’re not going to make you feel as great as you did while at Disney, Napa Valley or Paris, you might find yourself feeling better and have some energy left over to dream about your next trip.

  1. Get Out of Your Damn Head: Vacations come with joys and pleasures that can be difficult to bounce back from. After experiencing the spoils of vacation, the mere thought of returning to work, our annoying coworkers, or our regular home-life obligations can be infuriating. This restlessness usually goes away within 3-6 weeks of settling back into everyday life. I’m currently in week four returning from our trip to Orlando…it’s still very fresh on my mind because winter has decided to stay around for an extra month of bullshit weather!…Someone send help. Remember “Woosah, Adam”. It’s all in our heads and we must stay busy in our routine to avoid those negative thoughts.
  2. Become More Active: When you travel, you quickly realize you’re not in the shape you though you were. While on vacation you probably logged some serious miles walking every day at places like Disney Parks, beaches, or shopping. When you return home and detox from all that tasty food and booze you drank, be sure to stay active and get outside, or walk laps at the mall like the senior citizens in jogging suits! Becoming more active will suppress any depressive thoughts a playful punch in the face.
  3. Clean Your House: De-cluttering your house can help clear your head, and reconnect you with your usual surroundings. A little spring cleaning will also help you find physical (and emotional) space for everything you brought home so you’re not tripping over your half-unpacked suitcase like me that you delay finishing, mainly because you just want to go back on damn vacation!
  4. Make New Acquaintances and Friends. We live in the age of social media. If you visited cool place and met cool people, connect with them online once you get home. It’s an easy way to stay attached to the places you love to visit, and can provide motivation to plan your next visit!

And last but not least…

  1. Continue sharing on Social Media! Who gives a shit if you post more vacation pics after returning home. If you don’t get any likes, you don’t need those kind of negative people in your life!

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